Time saving solutions
Our mission is to give our brokers products and
solutions that mean they can write more business
quicker and easier than before. We know the mutual
value of being an Insurer partner that’s quick to respond
to changing circumstances with practical cover.
Get the Unoccupancy Extension Cover Factsheet
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For more information on the extension, how it works for your customers and FAQ’s, download the factsheet
Benefits of our new unoccupancy extension
No need to inform us or seek confirmation of cover if a policyholder’s Premises becomes Unoccupied - it’s written into the Policy
Informed decision making from upfront clarity on the cover and T&C’s of cover before you bind the policy
Enhanced and Standard options available to provide the right balance between cover and price
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SME Lockdown cover extension Explained
Our new unoccupancy extension has been devised to provide our policyholders with peace of mind that they
will be automatically covered for enforced unoccupancy during the existing and future lockdowns.
Following our COVID Tool Kit extension deployed in March 2020 to help SME’s, we continue to recognise the need to adapt our cover to respond to the changing risk. This type of cover wouldn’t normally be available if the Premises were Unoccupied but with a future of possible Lockdowns ahead, we know this has to be part of the new normal.
Following our COVID Tool Kit extension deployed in March 2020 to help SME’s, we continue to recognise the need to adapt our cover to respond to the changing risk. This type of cover wouldn’t normally be available if the Premises were Unoccupied but with a future of possible Lockdowns ahead, we know this has to be part of the new normal.
Unoccupancy extension written in policy wording as standard
Extended cover applies
automatically with
the trigger of Lockdown
Cover for lockdown
not usually covered
Certainty removes
needs to seek
confirmation of cover
Download the unoccupancy extension factsheet and FAQ’s here.
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Contact Us
Like to know more about our fresh approach to delivering insurance for small businesses? Please get in touch.
Dan Dorrell
Development Underwriter -
Jon Gleave
Business Development Manager